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Proof of identification guidance for Alten, Methods, and Quick Release

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Two forms of photographic personal identification from List 1, and one document confirming their current residing address from List 2.


One form of photographic personal identification from List 1, and two documents confirming their current residing address from List 2.


If an associate genuinely cannot provide any forms of photographic personal identification from list 1, then please provide all of the following documentary evidence:

  •  two documents confirming the associates current residing address from List 2
  • two forms of non-photographic personal identification from List 3
  • a passport-sized photograph.

All documentary evidence should:

  •  be issued by a trustworthy and reliable source
  • ideally, be difficult to forge
  • if dated, be valid and current (see lists for further details)
  • contain the associates full name, photograph and signature
  • have required some form of identity check before issued to the individual.
List 1: Acceptable photographic personal identification
  • Full, signed UK (Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Irish) passport or EU/other nationalities passport
  • UK Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) card UK full or provisional photocard driving licence
  • EU/other nationalities photocard driving licence (valid up to 12 months up to the date of when the individual entered the UK and providing that the person checking is confident that non-UK photocard driving licences are bona fide).
  • HM Armed Forces Identity card (UK)
  • Identity cards carrying the PASS (Proof of Age Standards Scheme) accreditation logo (UK and Channel Islands). Organisational identity cards are not acceptable as they do not contain watermarks, holograms or other security markings.


List 2: Acceptable proof of address document
  • Utility bill (gas, water, electricity or landline telephone), or a letter from a utility supplier confirming the arrangement to pay for the services at a fixed address on pre-payment terms. More than one utility bill may be accepted, if these are from two different suppliers. Utility bills in joint names are also acceptable (UK)
  • Local authority tax statement. For example, a council tax statement (UK and Channel Islands)
  • UK full or provisional photocard driving licence if not already presented as a form of personal photographic identity
  • Full old-style paper driving licences (that were issued before the photocard was introduced in 1998 and where they remain current and in date). Old-style paper provisional driving licences should not be accepted
  • HM Revenue & Customs tax notification (HMRC) tax notification such as an assessment, statement of account, notice of coding
  • A financial statement such as bank, building society, or credit card statement (UK and EEA). Statements issued outside of the EEA must not be accepted
  • Credit union statement (UK)
  • Mortgage statement from a recognised lender (UK and EEA)
  • Statements issued outside of the EEA must not be accepted
  • Local council rent card or tenancy agreement
  • Evidence of entitlement to Department for Work and Pensions benefits, such as child allowance, pension etc. (UK)
  • Confirmation from an electoral register that a person of that name lives at the claimed address.


List 3: Acceptable non-photographic proof of personal identification document
  • Full birth certificate (UK and Channel Islands) issued after the date of birth by the General Register Office or other relevant authority, for example registrars
  • Full birth certificate issued by UK authorities overseas, such as embassies, high commissions and HM Forces
  • UK full old-style paper driving licence. Old-style provisional driving licences are not acceptable
  • Most recent HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) tax notification, such as an assessment, statement of account, P45, P60, or notice of coding (UK and Channel Islands)
  • Work permit/residency permit (UK) valid up to the expiry date. Adoption certificate (UK and Channel Islands)
  • Marriage or civil partnership certificate (UK and Channel Islands)
  • Divorce, dissolution or annulment papers (UK and Channel Islands)
  • Gender recognition certificate. Deed poll certificate. Firearms certificate/licence (UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
  • Police registration document
  • Certificate of employment in the HM Forces (UK)
  • Evidence of entitlement to Department for Work and Pensions benefits, such as child allowance, pension etc. (UK)
  • A document from a local/central government authority or local authority giving entitlement, such as Employment Services, Job Centre, Social Security Services (UK and Channel Islands).


Any questions?

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Please contact us on business.assuranceteam@methods.co.uk or call us on 020 3795 5680